Reasons Why Balancing Three Doshas Is Important In Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a 5000 years old science, which uses herbs as medicines to treat various ailments. Ayurveda focuses on external as well as internal wellness. It believes in harmonizing your mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda is made up of two words- Ayur meaning life, and Veda meaning knowledge. Nature has provided humans with abundant luxuries; cure from plants is one of them.

Herbal medicines have the ability to eradicate chronic diseases from the roots. Acharya Manish Ji has studied Ayurvedic medicines and with the help of herbs, Acharya Ji has given new life to many patients.

In Ayurveda, lots of importance is given to three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Diseases occur when there is an imbalance of these three doshas in the body.

Inner Balance

Inner balance is of utmost importance in Ayurveda. In his camps, Acharya Manish Ji talks about inner balance and how meditation helps in creating peace of mind.

To create a peaceful inner state, it is a must to balance all aspects of our lives. Everyone has unique energy and aura. To make energy and aura pure, it is important to meditate daily and have positive thoughts. Forgiveness, empathy are the traits which we should practice daily to have a clean aura.

Three Doshas And How To Balance Them

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha relate to the basic biology of our body. Everybody has a different biology, but it is essential to create a balance of three doshas to lead a disease-free life.

The energy of the movement is known as Vata. The energy of digestion is known as  Pitta, and Kapha is the energy responsible for lubrication.

Everybody has these three qualities, but one quality is prominent and the other two are less prominent.

Whenever there is an excess or deficiency of any of the doshas, a person falls sick.

A person can have a disease-free life when there is a proper understanding of the three doshas.


 Vata means air, it governs blinking, muscle movement, breathing, and all movements in cell membranes.

When Vata is imbalanced, it leads to anxiety and fear.

How To Balance Vata

•    To balance Vata it is important to go to bed early
•    Consumption of warm beverages help in pacifying Vata
•    To balance Vata, it is important to consume home-cooked fresh and warm food
•    Use a liberal amount of good quality oil to make food
•    Avoid raw food
•    Avoid broccoli and large beans
•    Add a pinch of cardamom to warm milk and consume it at night
•    Do Pranayama daily


Pitta is fire and water, it governs metabolism, digestion, assimilation. When the Pitta is imbalanced, a person feels hatred, anger, and jealousy.

How To Balance Pitta

•    Wear cooler colours
•    Get a coconut oil or olive oil massage daily
•    Consume foods that are bitter, sweet, and astringent
•    Avoid consuming caffeine
•    Meditate
•    Give an adequate amount of rest to the body
•    Don’t consume processed food


Kapha is earth and water; Kapha energy forms the structure of the body. Kapha moisturizes the body and lubricates the joints. When Kapha is balanced, it promotes forgiveness and calmness. An imbalanced Kapha leads to envy and greed.

If you have imbalanced Kapha, it is important to take pungent, bitter, and astringent foods.

How To Balance Kapha

•    Consume green vegetables
•    Have vegetables which are yellow in colour
•    Consume bitter teas to balance Kapha
•    Consume pungent foods like garlic, hot pepper, onion, etc.
•    To pacify Kapha it is advised to have whole grains, lentils, and berries
•    Roasting and grilling help to pacify Kapha
•    Do not consume processed food, excess dairy, and sugar


Balance of three doshas is a must to lead a healthy life. If you are not sure which dosha imbalance you have, schedule an appointment with an experienced Ayurveda practitioner. 


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